Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Week of 1/17/2023

 I hope you are all enjoying your long weekend, despite the rain. We have another four day school week ahead. Due to the start of the music program, the kindergarten team is cutting one day of centers since we all plan together, use the same materials, etc. If you were signed up for a canceled center date, you should have received a notification. Please see the updated Sign-Up Genius that reflects these changes. This week there is an option for Wednesday morning math centers (due to Monday's holiday). 

This week, we will hit the half-way mark (90th school day) in our kindergarten year. This is where the kindergarten curriculum really takes off, and your continued support with the curriculum will be especially important at this time. Reading to your children and asking them questions about what they are reading, helping them blend and read/write short vowel words (eg: hop, can, rat, etc.) and reinforcing math facts and sight words is really important at this time. 

Language Arts
We will begin reading many snow-themed stories for the next couple of weeksand do writing projects and crafts around this theme. The culmination of this theme will end with "Snow Day" on February 9th. Children will come to school dressed up in any winter gear they have, and we'll have some snow-themed fun! Our sight words this week are she and back. We will wrap up Unit 2 in Fundations this week, which will conclude the instruction of upper-case letters. Our emphasis in Fundations will continue to be blending sounds to read and write words with fluency. 

We will continue with Module 4 this week; just the addition portion of this module will last up until President's Week Break. Parent tips for this module can be found here. I do recommend that you look these over, because there will be some new vocabulary for those of you who do not have older students who have done the Eureka math program. Of particular importance are the words "compose" (finding numbers that add up to a given number-- like 3 & 2 compose 5) "decompose" (take apart a number-- like 5 can be 4 & 1 OR 3  & 2) and number bonds (a model to show mathematical thinking).

This week, your child will learn the third Kimochis® Key to Communication: Use a Talking Face and Body. We will practice strategies for maintaining a positive facial expression and body language when experiencing upset emotions and conflicts instead of a mean or hurtful facial expression (Fighting Face) and body language. When your child can keep his/her face and body from looking aggressive or hurtful, others will be more willing to listen. Your child will learn how to notice and read the facial expressions and body language of others as a way to understand the emotion behind the words. Your child will also learn a communication tool called the Talking Hand. This is a positive and effective strategy your child can use to respond to peers or siblings when they grab. 

Art Vista
We have an Art Vista lesson this weekand we will get to do fish prints! We will use a fake fish for these prints, and this is always a fun lesson for the students.

**P.E. is every Friday-- please send your children in shoes & clothes appropriate for fitness. 
**Library is every Wednesday. Please send your child's book back to school by Tuesday each week.
**Panda t-shirt day is Friday each week.
This Week's Helpers & Activities:
Tuesday: Centers (need volunteers!)
Wednesday: Math Centers (Lior & 1 more volunteer needed), Library (Bora and library reader available), dismissal @ 1:15
Thursday: Return Weds. envelopes, centers (need volunteers!)
Friday: Art Vista (Jedy, Andrea, Yuko, Apsara), PE teacher

Upcoming Events 
Monday 1/16: No School: MLK Day
Monday, 1/30: No School: Professional Development Day
Thursday, 2/2: 100 Day
Thursday, 2/9: Snow Day
Week of 2/20: Presidents Week Vacation

Week of 1/9/2023

We had a great first week back for Smart Re-Start week last week. I was pleased with how well students jumped back into the routines!

Center Update
While it is looking nearly 100% sure that the Kinder team will need to cancel one day of centers to accommodate the new music program, the start date of the music program has still not been set, so there are no changes to the volunteer schedule YET. In the meantime, there are still 5 center openings next week!  If you are available, please sign up here. THANK YOU!

Language Arts
This week will be all about bears! We will read both fiction and non-fiction books about bears, watch scientific videos, and do some writing and art around the bear theme. Our sight words this week are see and like. We will continue working on reading CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words and practicing upper-case letter formation in Fundations. 

We are really working on our independent writing skills as we approach the second semester of kindergarten. Children will put together a book of facts about bears using the sentence stems: Bears can_____. Bears have _______. Bears are_______. We will also be working on a labeling unit. Children will be encouraged to add labels to their illustrations to practice working on their phonetic spelling. 

As stated last week, we have launched Module 4 of Eureka Math: Number Pairs, Addition, and Subtraction to 10. This module has a lot of new vocabulary and tools that you may not have been exposed to when you were learning math. I have attached a different parent letter to this email which explains some of this. This week, we will introduce and focus on the number bond.

This week, your child will learn the second Kimochis® Key to Communication: Use a Talking Voice. This key helps children stay aware of how they use the tone and volume of their voice. Sometimes when we have upset feelings, it is easy to yell or use a tone of voice that makes the situation worse instead of better. The lesson this week will teach your child how to use a Talking Voice rather than a defensive, aggressive, or Fighting Voice (see definitions on back). When we feel upset and are able to use a Talking Voice, we raise the odds that others will want to understand our feelings and resolve conflicts. Your child will also learn how to pay attention to the tone of voice of others as a way to understand the emotion behind the words. 

**P.E. is every Friday-- please send your children in shoes & clothes appropriate for fitness. We will be in room 2, the OT room.
**Library is every Wednesday. Please send your child's book back to school by Tuesday each week.
**Panda t-shirt day is Friday each week.
This Week's Helpers & Activities:
Monday: Centers (volunteers needed!)
Tuesday: Centers (volunteers needed!)
Wednesday: Library (Reader needed! & Bora for book check in & out)), dismissal @ 1:15
Thursday: Return Weds. envelopes, centers (??? & Mari)
Friday: PE in room 2

Upcoming Events 
Monday 1/16: No School: MLK Day
Monday, 1/30: No School: Professional Development Day
Thursday, 2/2: 100 Day
Week of 2/20: Presidents Week Vacation