Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Week of 9/12

 It was so fun to see many of you and your children at movie night. That was my, and my preschool age son Zachary's first AV movie night!

Please help me in welcoming new student Aaron Yang and his family. His parents are Albert and Martina. He will start in our class on Monday. A couple students asked if they could draw him a welcome picture over the weekend, so I said I would tell the parents this. I thought that was so thoughtful. :) If your child wants to draw Aaron a picture or write a note welcoming him to our class, they can bring it on Monday. 

Thank you everyone for bringing your children for their afternoon assessments. This will help me to best meet the differing needs of the students in my class during small group instruction. I am continuing to meet with students both this week and next week. If you need to check the schedule, you can do so here. When you arrive for your assessment, please wait by Gate E (the gate we enter through in the morning). I will meet you out there and let you in when you arrive. 

Language Arts
In language arts, we continue introducing letters and letter sounds and will introduce our first vowels this week, Ii and Uu. For information about the formation of these letters, please see the Fundations Family Letter. We will also introduce the sight words in and it. If you're also interested in further review of the letter sounds with your child, you can find the letter sound video we watch in class, called "The Better Alphabet Song" here.

We will also launch our beginning writing unit, which starts with teaching drawing. We will be working on directed drawings of people this week. As children take an interest in writing more, parents can support them by encouraging independent spelling. If your child asks, "How do you spell ____?" respond by asking them how they think it is spelled and refer to the better alphabet song. For example, if your child is asking how to spell "cat", you could say, "Let's think about the sounds we hear in the word cat and the letter sounds we sing in the better alphabet song. What letter says /c/?" and then "/a/ and /t/." Once you've heard the better alphabet song a dozen times you could sing, "_____ says /c/, /c/, /c/. ____ can also say /s/, /s/, /s/." It's ok if their spelling is not correct at this time! If they spell cat like any of these: c, ct, kat, kt, then that's great for right now!  We want children to go through the process of connecting sounds to spelling themselves at this age. Encourage your children in their writing by having them make lists or write notes to friends and family. They can also label their pictures (something we will work on explicitly during writing time in class soon). 

Thank you for returning those Wednesday envelopes. You might be wondering what are the papers that come home in my child's backpack on days other than Wednesday? Any papers that are a part of our morning tub play time activities go home that same day. They are usually cutting funny pictures, pokey pins, etc. Your child may also choose to draw or write during choice time, which can contribute to papers in the backpack. Any work in the Wednesday envelope is work your child turned in that I have reviewed. They are great discussion points to begin with when going over their classwork with them.

In math, we will continue with the topic Numbers to 10. More information on this topic can be found here.

We begin our SEL (social-emotional learning) curriculum this week by discussing the "Zones of Regulation." If you'd like more information about the Zones, this website has a lot of good resources. Your children will make their own poster representing the Zones in class on Friday, which they will bring home. This is a great tool for you to use at home to encourage children to talk about how they are feeling. 

Picture Day
Picture Day is Friday, September 16th. There is no need to pre-order. Proofs will be emailed to you in about two weeks, and you can choose to order at that time.

Classroom Centers & Library Time
Beginning on September 21st, we will take weekly trips to the Alta Vista library. Children will check out one book each week, and return it the following week. You will need to remind your child  to pack that book into their backpack every Tuesday. :)  We also get to have a "guest reader" each week in the library, who reads a favorite story to the students before they check out books. A big thank you to Romeo's mom/our room parent, Lia for sending out a Sign-Up Genius later this week for library story readers (our library time is 9:30 to 9:50). Thank you to Jacob's mom, Bora, for volunteering to be our book check in/check out parent. We decided that since we only had one parent sign up to be the reader, we would open it up to everyone. I know it's hard for families to commit to an every week volunteer event. If you can come in once a month to read, or just once here and there, please sign up It's a fun, engaging way to get to know these kiddos. They LOVE listening to read alouds and from more people, that's exposure to a variety of different books. Look for that sign up genius later this week.

Classroom centers begin when we extend our day the week of 10/3. I run centers on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 12:25-1:40. I hope you will all be able to join us at least once for classroom centers! In order to volunteer this year, you must complete the Volunteer Code of Conduct Form, and either upload your vaccination card (if vaccinated) or provide a negative COVID test (if not vaccinated) 24 hours before volunteering. Information about the process for volunteering can be found here. I am looking forward to having parents in the classroom beginning 10/4. Please keep an eye out for the Sign-Up Genius!